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Monday, January 3, 2011

A Sneak Peek at the Moment 4 Life Video (Kissie, Kissie)

Thanks to HipHopConnection, we have screen caps of Nicki Minaj and Drake‘s Moment 4 Life music video rumored to drop on January 2nd. It looks like Drake and Nicki got a liiiiiiittle too close, but I ain’t mad, they look very cute together. Some great music is promised to be delivered in 2011. Happy New Year everybody!

Moment 4 Life is about 2 kids that grew up on the same block. They shared their dreams of making it as rappers. They laughed together, they cried together. One day they realize that their dreams have come to fruition. Though they know all things come to an end, they celebrate. They wish that they… could have this moment 4 LIFE.(credit: